Read Sebastião Salgado Workers An Archaeology of the Industrial Age

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More than those of any other living photographer, Sebastio Salgado's images of the world's poor stand in tribute to the human condition. His transforming photographs bestow dignity on the most isolated and neglected, from famine-stricken refugees in the Sahel to the indigenous peoples of South America. "Workers" is a global epic that transcends mere imagery to become an affirmation of the enduring spirit of working women and men. The book is an archaeological exploration of the activities that have defined labor from the Stone Age through the Industrial Age, to the present. Divided into six categories--"Agriculture," "Food," "Mining," "Industry," "Oil" and "Construction"--the book unearths layers of visual information to reveal the ceaseless human activity at the core of modern civilization. Extended captions provide a historical and factual framework for the images. "Salgado unveils the pain, the beauty, and the brutality of the world of work on which everything rests," wrote Arthur Miller of this photobook classic, upon its original publication in 1993. "This is a collection of deep devotion and impressive skill." An elegy for the passing of traditional methods of labor and production, "Workers" delivers a message of endurance and hope. Inspiring photography from the Wallpaper* picture desk Browse through the Wallpaper* photography desk's daily digest of visual inspiration featuring the best contemporary and most iconic image makers infogr infogr photographyinfogr 2013: Year in Review National Geographic 2013 was an eventful year and National Geographic was there to cover it Multi-Resolution Land Characteristics Consortium (MRLC) 2012 Abbasov RK Smakhtin VU2012 Indexing the environmental vulnerability of mountain streams in Azerbaijan Mountain Research and Development 32 1 73-82 location/ dinis2linguatecapt 110480 de 51484 Paulo 49074 So 46318 do 40723 Brasil 38043 da 37922 Da 35214 US$ 33367 Folha 29049 Rio 19810 Local 19724 Reportagem 17909 Eua 16250 Jos 15364
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